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Stinging Pests


Customized Approach

How does pest control get rid of Stinging Pests? If you find a stinging pest nest on your property, removing it safely and completely can be difficult. It’s important to contact an expert in stinging insect identification to determine the best course of treatment. Exterminators perform an inspection and put together a custom plan of action to help eliminate your stinging pest situation. Once an exterminator locates the nest, they can provide stinging pest treatment and help resolve the situation. They will look for conditions that invite stinging insects, tackle current infestations, and remove any nests to help prevent future stingers from showing up and moving in.

Extermination providers have different methods of providing service. Most national providers offer one-time service or annual plans that include visits every other month and treatment for common household pests, including Stinging Pests. Additional visits are also available in between scheduled visits for any concerns that arise. Overall, recurring service is the most effective way to break the lifecycle of Stinging Pests.

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The risks of stinging pests

Painful Stings
When wasps, yellow jackets, bees, and hornets feel threatened, they're known to sting. The stings are painful and may cause a mild or severe reaction.
Property Damage
Non-stinging carpenter bees will excavate tunnels to use as nests. They make themselves at home in decks, siding, porches, and eaves.
Allergic Reactions
Depending on the person and their allergies, they may develop mild to deadly allergic reactions to stinging pests after being stung.
When stinging pests swarm, the result is a mass of flying pests that are ready to protect their home at all costs.